Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Global Warming

Next week one of my classes is having a discussion about Global Warming, and one of the questions is:

Are Canadians pro-Global Warming?

You see, on the face of it, Canada has a lot to gain from a warmer world.
  • Currently inhabited areas would have less severe winters.
  • Areas that are currently uninhabitable could be open for settlement and farming.
  • The opening of sea routes across the Arctic Ocean would allow the development of major dock facilities there. Canada could become a major hub for world trade.

What do you think? Do you really want to fight it or is it a case of "Bring it on!"

Similarly, are those of you who live in the northern USA happy with the thought of warmer winters?


agg79 said...

Warmer winters? Heck, I'd settle for some cooler summers. The last time we saw snow down here (December 2004) the entire state just about shut down.

wigsf said...

Canadians are NOT pro-global warming. Canadians are stuck-up whiny little bitches who complain that their porridge is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.

This past summer, Canadians were seen complaining that this summer was too cold.

Canadian industry is pro-money, however that happens. If that happens by ravaging their own habitat, then so be it. But, Canadian policymakers, are not always pro-industry, however, they are all pro-money. The difference there is that there is an ever increasing pot of money for the anti-industry movement.

wigsf said...

One more thing about The Canada's northern territories. The Canada is losing territoy near the Artic Circle as Russia and Denmark have been claiming more and more land up there. The Prime Minister has been trying to strengthen the armed forces to properly defend these northern areas but the opposition parties have been blocking any attempt to increase military funding. It's no secret, but in The Canada, some of the national political parties (especially the Bloc Quebecois) have some serious reservations about protection of The Canada and it's borders.

terri said...

I'd like warmer winters, but not at the expense of the entire planet. I think I'd rather just move to a warmer area instead.

Rock Chef said...

agg79 - Yes, I am sure that people in your part of the US have a very different take on things!

wigsf - Didn't want to turn this into an anti Canadian discussion, but most Canadians I know can stand up for themselves. I wasn't aware of encroachment by other countries - interesting stuff, thanks!

Terri - You're so considerate! I am sure that there are some who would be happy for the world to warm up around them :-)

Chris said...
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Chris said...

I am not happy about global warming, especially what it's doing to our Arctic ice and our polar bear population...

Furthermore, don't listen to "wigsf".

Typical comments from the centre of the universe.
Is Toronto even part of Canada, really?

Anonymous said...

Candaian bashing from Canadians. I do this and I get lambasted up and down the Internets.

You tell them WIGSF!!!!

Rock Chef said...

wigsf - So you are Cnandian? All is OK, then. I am a Brit who likes to bash Britain...

Chris - The Polar bears do get a lot of publicity, don't they? I wonder if they will be able to adapt to the changing situation?

morethananelectrician - But you love it really!

Toronto Real Estate Agent said...

Great thought, but I am definitely for colder weather. I just enjoy to watch the snow fall on the ground and cover all the dirt with its beautiful white blanket.

Take care, Julie

Jenelle said...

After this cold summer in MI the preceeding snowy winter, the words "global warming" are no longer used around these parts. "Climate Change" is now the buzz. Too hard to get people on board with a concept when it's too cold to grow crops.