Friday, 18 September 2009

Friday ramblings...



That was a LONG WEEK!

In fact I think it might actually have been 2 or 3 weeks! Monday was a long time ago.

This weekend is going to be one of those "nothing planned, lets just see what happens" weekends. The weather has cleared up nicely today from the rain we have had most days this week, so hopefully I can drag out the barbeque at some point!

The next couple of weeks are going to be insane at work - the freshers arrive next week, and we have loads of them. Add to that we have a load of building work at the Uni that is just finishing up - new book shop and coffee shop right down stairs from me, new science labs, new library, new lecture theatres - I am going to be just as lost as the freshers at first!

Then the rest of the students arrive too and I also start studying again! One of mymodules this year is all about the USA and Canada, so it will be fun to see what I can find out about where my American and Canadian friends live! Essays? Not so excited about them...

Oh, one thing that I DO plan to do this weekend is to finish off my latest set of toy soldiers - Sudanese Mahdists from the 1880s-1890s. They are looking pretty good so far, so I will see about posting photos when they are totally done.

Finally, another bass guitar lesson for my daughter...

Have a great weekend!


terri said...

I love those nothing planned, let's just see what happens kind of weekends. I start to stress out when Friday isn't even over yet and I know the weekend is full of obligations. So far, I have a nothing planned kind of weekend in sight.

Marie said...

Hope you have a lovely weekend, whatever you end up doing. Good luck with the studying and work!

agg79 said...

I live for those kinds of weekends. Spent too many in the past either at work or camping with the scouts or attending football/soccer games. I got nothing on my radar this weekend and I am planning to keep it that way.

Claire said...

Had a week that seemed to be all Mondays - with no end in sight! Vegging out today and loving it!

Kiki said...

I have been running since forever and finding time to blog has been so glad to finally catch up here!! Glad to hear that whilst busy you are doing well!!!

Rock Chef said...

Terri - Hope it worked out well!

Marie - Thanks! I might need it!

agg79 - Hope it was a good weekend for you too!

Claire - A week of Mondays? What a nightmare!

Kiki - Yep, doing good! Hope things settle down for you soon, but with Christmas looming...