Some of you might remember my rant about McDonalds not allowing cyclists to use the drive-thru service:
Well a couple of nights ago I was watching a TV show about Eddie Izzard doing his mega marathon runs around the UK. I love Eddie, and this has made me admire him even more, but there was a McDonalds scene that had Mrs RC pointing and saying "look, look!"
He (on foot) and his camera crew (on a tricycle) were allowed to use the drive-thru!
Maybe I should try again, just to be annoying?
Have a good weekend...
When you fail (to annoy), just try and try and try again. :)
Legendary Annoyer, You!
Just goes to show that rules are made to be followed. Unless, of course, somebody famous comes along.
Fight the man! I'd try it again. Who knows, you might succeed. Of course, that's expecting a lot from McDonalds...
If they refuse you service, insist on seeing the rule book that states a cyclist can't use the drive-thru
Shadowthorne - Great advice :-)
agg79 - Fight the Man! Yeah!
Terri - Well they assured me that it was an insurance and health and safetymatter :-( That would really annoy them, though.
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