Thursday, 3 April 2008


Last night, as I headed to a friend's house for the evening, I came to a McDonalds drive-thru. Hm, I thought, I could do with a burger to keep me going.

Being on my bike, I decided to use the drive-thru part, rather than locking my bike to the railings (no cycle rack) and walking in. As I came to the order hatch the boy there told me that the manager had just told him not to serve me.


Company Policy. No cyclists on the drive-thru.

I was livid. I told the boy it was stupid. He agreed, but said he still could not serve me.

So, I locked my bike to the railings (no cycle rack) and stood in line until I could get the manager. He told me that it was Company Policy, for insurance reasons.


He could/would say no more than that.

I told him that in an age where we should be encouraging environmentally friendly forms of transport it was outrageous that a cyclist could not use a drive-thru. There is even a designated cycle route going straight past the place! It is a long time since I have been this angry, my blood was pumping so hard I had a twitch in one foot!

With a final "Outrageous!" I turned and stormed out. They could keep their burger!

This morning I emailed the biggest newspaper in the country with my story. Who knows, if the news is quiet over the next day or so...


Ali said...

Whoo - go John!
I would have loved to see that whole scenario, and now I am going to be watching the news all day!
Ah, I feel so proud right now :)

kenady said...

Go get 'em Rock Chef!!

Rock Chef said...

Thanks for the encouragement, girls! I just emailed the UK head office too!

tz said...

Wandered over here from your comments on 'sitting in silence' blog..had a good laugh at 'move that bus' line for your shed

and this post...sheesh, it's too bad...I blame in on a sue happy society, they're probably scared you'll get into an accident and sue them.

Rock Chef said...

tz - Hi, thanks for dropping in! You are probably right about the reason - some idiot on a racing bike will want to order 6 coffees and wonder why he spills it all over himself!

Rachael Rae Diaries said...

Wow. You go! I hate stupid people! or companies they tick me off! I have had quite a few of those "outreageous" moments! Especially if I am with Logziella! LOL.

terri said...

Good for you! How stupid can McDonald's be? Hopefully your letter will cause them to change their policy.

Chris said...

That story remind me of when I was younger. I was in Winnipeg on a shopping trip with a few other friends, and we walked over to the nearest Burger King. There were about 5 of us in a group, and one guy said his buddy worked there. We walked through the "drive thru" and got our food. The best part was that the guy told us to just order one burger. He then proceeded to FILL our bags with burgers, fries, shakes, apple pies etc.

I was so full....

Jen said...

That's just weird. I would really like to know why this McPolicy is the way that it is. Please share when you find out!

By the same tone, do you think they have the same policy in China? Everyone rides a bike there. . . .

This is weird.

Mojonah said...

I remember when I worked for a fast food restaurant, and they wouldn't let us do that either. Weird! Hope you get your story published, and that it makes a difference.

Chachi said...

What are people thinking these days?
Let us know if the newspaper p/u the story. It would be a good one.

Sitting In Silence said...

LOL...So are they saying that motor bikes are banned as well...shessshhhhhh some companies need to review some policies....

Ohhh and TZ found your blog...we have quite a network going here...

This is great !!...

Anonymous said...

I came over from your comment on Sitting in Silence too. Interesting about the "no bikes in drive-thru" policy. Assume it must be about potential litigation -- most rules these days are. Interesting blog. I'll be back.

Rock Chef said...

Rachael - Poor Logzie, she does seem to attract problems...

Terri - I doubt it, but it will be interesting to see what reply, if any, I get.

Chris - Wow - the best thing like that I have had was when one of our students worked in the local fudge shop...

Jen - I will post an update when I have anything more. In China I expect they get shot if they cycle through a drive-thru!

Mojonah - Ah, so it is not just here. If it gets into the papers I will post scans!

Chachi - I don't know, it just seems so petty!

Sitting in Silence - Oh yes, apparently riders and passengers of motorbikes are banned too! Wonder what they would do if a Hells'Angel gang went through asking for Happy Meals? :-)

Addhumourandfaith - Yes, I guess it all comes down to someone wanting to blame McDonalds if they fall off their bike while holding a BigMac in each hand. Thanks for visiting!

Logzie said...

I attract problems??? What's that supposed to mean?? I prefer to be known as "the one that exciting things happen to"...LOL!!

I used to work in a drive thru and we had the same rule...I think it's universal in the States with drive thrus and I have heard it's for the safety of the worker. I guess they think it's easier for someone on a bike to rob them...sounds crazy to me!

You go Rock Chef...make your voice discrimination to bikers! Everyone should be served!! Keep us posted.

Marie said...

Good for you! Hope your story makes the newspaper.

Kiki said...

As everyone has commented along the same lins as I was thinking...I will just say that besides watching the news for a special report on our Rock Chef, I can't wait for an update from you...good for you for going after them!!!

Rock Chef said...

Logzie - You are right, I prefer your definition! :-) Banning cyclists for the safety of the worker is VERY strange!

Marie - No sign of my story - I think I got sunk by the Diana verdict!

Kiki - I think I am going to have to push quite hard to even get a response from them! Grrr!