Thursday, 14 January 2010


I was listening to the local radio this morning and the DJ started talking about being a parent.

He has 3 children, aged 11 downwards.

In the past he has made a big thing about how hard he finds it to be a parent - hey it isn't supposed to be easy is it? But this morning he went further and started talking about people who say how wonderful it is to have children. He was wondering if they are mad or if he is missing something - after 11 years as a parent he is still waiting for that feeling! He does not feel that being a parent is great, it hasn't added anything to his life, all it has done is stop him doing things that he thinks he should have done. "Don'g get me wrong, I love my kids to bits, but..."

BUT? At this point I swore at the radio - think of the nastiest words you can think of - it was worse...

He then asked people to phone in to comment. The first caller, a woman who had her 4 children in the room with her, said that she agreed with what he had said - children have a massive impact on your life (wow, that's a shocker) and given the chance to do it again she wouldn't have had any. Those poor kids! I hope they remember that when she is old and wants to be looked after! I almost called in but I was so mad at this point they would probably have just hung up on me anyway...


So, to state the obvious - kids are the best thing that will ever happen to you. If you fail to appreciate the gift that you have been given, then you are missing out on the true meaning of life.

Love your kids.

Hug your kids.

Let them know how wonderful they are.


wigsf said...

Yes, care for your kids and treat them right because when you get really old and feeble, you won't be able to care for yourself. If your kids resent you, they'll stick you in a home and never visit you.

Teresa said...

it's probably not a good idea to ask me about his right now...I'm going on 5 solid weeks w/ 3 kids and zero are even waking up in the middle of the night most nights w/ bad dreams. constant bickering...oh man I could break out in a rash right now.

all things said though...even WITH all those negative things over here...I would not trade my kids for the world!!! ...maybe for a few hours for a break though. LOL!!

Teresa said...

...don't worry...I did get your "point" and I do agree. :)

Teresa said...

...with YOU...I agree w/ YOU, not the radio guy. :)

Rock Chef said...

wigsf - Not that should be your main motive for being nice to your kids...

Teresa - Hey, we all have our moments! And I knew where you stood with out the extra explanation, of course. Hope today is easier.

kenady said...

you should've called!!! what a jerk! i could not imagine my life without my babies!! i lament over the fact that they are getting older... i don't want them to grow up! i want them to live with us forever:) now i'[m fired up!!

Rock Chef said...

Kenady - I couldn't call, I was just too angry and horrified! They would have hung up before I finished my first sentence! I think it is parents like you that got him going in the first place - he just doesn't get it!

terri said...

OMG. I can't imagine doing anything better with my life than being a parent to these kids. Without them, the last twenty years of my life would have sucked! They are my best friends and the very people I love most in this world. That D.J. is one very selfish man. I feel sorry for him that he doesn't feel the joy of parenting.

Kiki said... can only imagine my response....he can send his children to me...I'll happily take them and not complain one minute!

Nenette Alejandria Mayor said...

OMG, what a complete ass! Even worse the woman who called in! People like that don't deserve to be parents. They can't appreciate how incredibly fortunate they are to have their kids.

I'm totally with you, my dear. Totally.

Dammit... I have to go and hug my kids now...

Anonymous said...

There are moments when things are going badly that you just want ot pack it in...but this is where the "family unit" comes together. When I find I can't clear my head of what is going on in my life, I just lay on the floor with them, play and laugh...even color...not in the lines.

We'll even sneak cookies close to dinner behind mom's back...and drop her off one as we go by.

Life is what we make of it...and raising children is what we make of it too. They help me as much as I help them.

Rock Chef said...

Terri - Anyone who has read your blog will know how much you love your kids. Yes, I guess I should feel sorry for him too! I was too angry to think that!

Kiki - Absolutely - there are many who would happily kill to get a child - I know from experience...

Nanette AM - Too often I see people out with their kids and wonder why they had them - and then wonder why they had 3 when it was clear that they had trouble dealing with one!

Sparky - Love it! That is how things should be! My kids are all a bit too old for colouring now, but we have been doing 4 player Mario Wii instead. Fantastic family fun!

Sid said...

Damn that's hectic. Imagine hearing your mom/dad say that. And it's not like you asked them to bring you into the world. It was THEIR choice.

Rock Chef said...

Sid - Too true! No wonder there are so many screwed up kids around these days.

agg79 said...

Hey. No body ever said life was easy. Kids tend to make it a lot more interesting. I cannot thing of any other investment that consumes more of your time, money and, hair that to have a kid or two. But I wouldn't trade the experience for all the gold in Fort Knox (but I would rent him out for a reasonable fee). Some people don't deserve to have kids and some kids deserve better parents.

I agree with your irritation. The DJ is an a**hole and is probably just saying those stupid things just to get a rise out of you. I pity the idiot that he doesn't understand what it means to be a parent. Go home and hug your kids and change the station.

James said...

Well, I would say that we all get some feelings like that sometimes.
Not everyone is a perfect mother or father.
But where the guy is an arsehole is to voice the feelings and put them out ON AIR.

Jenelle said...

After 12 years working in radio, I can't imagine that he shared that. So, you can be sure that those kids have heard that, and can only imagine their response. Just what every uncertain 11-year-old needs to hear.

What a shame that he missed the best thing right in front of him for the "spotlight" of life in the media. So when he gets fired when his rating dip... what's he gonna value then?