Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Snow photos

The snow this year has been the heaviest that I can remember since I was a child, when we used to get a few inches of snow for a few days most years. Heavy snow in my part of England has become so rare that a couple of years ago the head of the local school (ages 4-11) made all of the kids go out and build snowmen. He felt that as snow was so rare these days the experience of building snowmen was much more important than anything that might happen in the classroom!
These pics were taken last Friday...
The snow fell with a strong northerly wind...

The roads were dreadful...

This path was beautiful...

One last look back at Home. The tree is the one that I carried home the day after we got married...

More bushes...

The bridge that leads out of town...


agg79 said...

It looks frosty there. Bundle up and stay warm. BTW - how much snow do you typically get each winter?

Rock Chef said...

agg79 - When I was a kid we could expect a few days each year that would have 2-3 inches of snow. These days most winters go by with no snow falling in this corner of the country - a flury that melts immediately is about it.

kenady said...

gorgeous photos! this winter has been quite out of the ordinary for us too. we normally have very mild temps throughout with only a couple of deep freezes, but this year we have had consecutive cold blasts with temps barely getting above 35 degrees. no snow though, which is a bummer for us since we NEVER get snow:)

Rock Chef said...

Kenady - Yes, I often see the weather on Fox News and they have reported that the cold has moved further south than usual. But if you are putting up with the cold I hope that you get a bit of snow to go with it!

Marie said...

Beautiful photos! If I remember correctly, the last time it snowed this heavily in England was back in 1981-82 (well, in London, anyway). I love snow - it makes me feel like a kid again. Hate the ice though!

terri said...

The snow is beautiful. It always amazes me how something so beautiful can be so treacherous.

Kiki said...

Magic. Just magical!!!! Thank you for posting these...course I can't decide if it makes me miss it more or feeds my desire to have snow?!? Love it no matter what!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos...sorry you have to try to get to work in it though!!

Anonymous said...

That looks COLD. We are on the borderline of freezing here and might get a break tomorrow. We drop belw freezing at night and barely above during the day...seems like it has been like that for weeks.

Utilities are starting to freeze in the ground...code requirements for waterlines aren't as strict in this climate...and the hihg water table.

Home insulation is the same too and people are getting frozen pipes in their homes that are exploding...not cool.