Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Summer time...

The last few days have been really hot, and as I have taken the next couple of days off I am hoping it will continue.  [queue thunder storms]

The remaining baby rabbits continue to grow and thrive.  In their defence we are giving the dogs free reign to keep cats out of the garden.  Not that they will catch them or actually do anything to them if they do get close enough, but they are a good deterent.  I know that my last post sounded like I was declaring war on the cats, but I would not actually do anything to then other than maybe try to give them a fright by spraying them with water or throwing a ball at them badly - couldn't hit them if I tried...

This summer marks is a strange landmark for us - next summer will see our two eldest getting ready to move on to new things - Number One Son will be heading to Uni (probably at the other end of the country) and our daughter will be moving to college (still living at home but travelling each day).  Amazing how they grow up isn't it?  This is starting to become new territory for us - things we didn't get to with our first daughter, which is also a strange feeling.  The younger ones are overtaking where she got to.  A strange feeling.

Anyway, back to now!  Had a great barbeque on Sunday - cooked fish for the first time, and it was great.  Definitely going to do some more next time - so fresh, light and healthy.  Perfect for a hot summers day.

Have a great day!  Back on Friday!  See you then!


James said...

A poignant description of the situation in your lives and your heart. Have a great time off!

CiCi said...

Did you do the fish directly on the grill or in a pan?

It takes getting used to when the kids grow to the place they are living independently of you. That is even more reason to enjoy each day they are with you.

Good for you to have a couple more days off. Is this a work on the honey-do list time or just relaxing time?

Rock Chef said...

James - Thanks, I will try! I think I ended up going deeper than I expected!

TechnoBabe - I had the fish in a metal cage thing to make it easy to turn over while letting the heat to straight to the fish, making the skin go crispy.

The days off started as just that, but Thursday has turned into a shopping trip with the kids as the schools are all closed due to striking teachers.

Shrinky said...

So I take it your son did well with the IB? (Grin) Which Uni is he heading to? What's he decided to study? I thought of you at Sam's 18th, and sent you a mental hug - I guess these landmarks are always going to be bitter-sweet, it just is as it is, eh? Has your daughter just finished her GCSE's? So has Bec - her year threw a beach party at the end of them and burned their school uniforms!

Margaret Benbow said...

I enjoy the picture of your rabbits. The one on the right looks as if he's in a stupor of bliss at the collection of goodies...Yes, it is a poignant time in your family life. But you will probably never really be an Empty Nester--they keep coming back!

Unknown said...

Catz trying to get your bunnies? Here, it's the other way around; I mean the doggies are after the bunnies and the catz went out their merry way, not bothering anyone :P

Different cultures different critters eh?

Rock Chef said...

Shrinky - Loving the IB! My daughter still has a year to go with GCSEs, but this has really snuck up on me. I can see my daughter and her friends having a uniform burning too! My son is hoping for Lancaster Uni, doing pure maths.

Margaret - That one is Buttercup - yes, she loves her food. We are secretly hoping that the come back for a while at least.

Shadowthorne - Hm, I sometimes wish there were a few more dogs roaming around to keep the cats on their toes! :-)

terri said...

You're starting to enter the same parental territory I've been floating around in for the past few years. While we raise our kids always with the hopes that their lives will be as successful as possible, it's a bittersweet feeling to let go a little and let them fly on their own. I'm sure your kids will do great. They have such wonderful parents!