Thursday, 16 June 2011

Weekend - ish...

 Having a split weekend this week.

The Uni has a Open Day on Saturday (all hands on deck) so I am having tomorrow off instead.  Worked out quite nicely, actually, as tomorrow is the 6th anniversary of my daughter's death - Mrs RC and I are hoping for some reasonable weather so we can go for a cycle ride to where we used to live when our daughter was young.  Neither of us have been back since we left so it will be a strange experience, but hopefully a good one.

The battle with our 6 year old debt is about to come to an end - wow, it will feel really good to finally nail that one. 

Might be getting a new guitar soon too.  I have started looking around and found a really nice white one.  A few more shops to check out though so not committing myself just yet. 

The rabbits are still refusing to leave the nest - if they appear over the weekend I will post photos.  I have a feeling that it will be real mayhem when they do finally make the move.

Have a great weekend!  See you next week.


Teresa said...

I was stopping by because I knew you were facing Sophie's Anniversary and I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you.

And that is fantastic news about that debt!!!! So freeing!!

Have a good weekend...I'll be thinking about ya.

terri said...

I'm glad you get a day to honor the anniversary of your daughter's death. I hope the weather cooperates so you can spend it as planned.

I think you've earned a new guitar with all the studying you've been doing lately. After all, one can never have too many guitars! Right? I'm just guessing on that one!

agg79 said...

Paying off a long term debt is grounds enough for celebration. I hope the weekend weather is nice enough to enjoy a bike ride.

I agree with terri - you've worked hard and deserve a new guitar. You have to reward yourself on occasion just to keep life interesting.

Ms. ~K said...

I will be thinking of you both as you honor this anniversary.

commoncents said...

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for publishing this! Your blog rocks!!

Common Cents

James said...

Hi Rock Chef long time no see. You have rabbits too? I love rabbits