Friday, 3 June 2011

That Friday Feeling!

Yes, it is Friday again - another week has flown past!

My computer is creaking a lot right now, as it pulls together data from 9 files (each with around 65,000 rows) into one master Excel sheet that extends to cell ALI 3142.  This is the raw data for me dissertation, which will be about the shifting locations of industry in the USA.  I have plenty of data, as you can see, so this should be one mega project!

The weekend looks like being fun. 

For a start Number One Son and I will be getting in a few practice wargames in preparation for the tournament the following weekend.  The army I have chosen is not one I have used before and is a real mish-mash - Knights on horses, peasants with pointed sticks, crossbowmen, poleaxes, spearmen.  It will be fun to see if I can make it work, but somehow I have the feeling that I am in for a few good kickings - I have no faith in my peasants who make up almost half of the army!  But hey, I chose the army for the fun and challenge of it not for the guarantee of winning!

We WILL be having a barbeque too - Mrs RC and the kids have demanded one - so who am I to object?  Gettin' the coals going now...

Have a great weekend!


terri said...

Excel... 65,000 rows... you're making my head hurt!

The weekend sounds great! War games, family, a good barbecue all make for one of those picture perfect summer weekends. Hope your weather is warm and sunny!

agg79 said...

With that much information at stake, I hope you are backing everything up frequently.

Family and BBQ makes for some good memories and I hope it was a great weekend. Great start to a summer.

Anonymous said...

Aw, sweet that your son shares the same interest as you (smile). Isn't it great to have BBQ weather AND over the weekend? That disertation sounds pretty heavy, you've obviously put a lot of work into it. Hope the weekend proved all you hoped it would be!

Darn, how come Google still keeps refusing to post me up as Shrinky??