Monday, 27 June 2011


The weekend was generally great - a good shopping trip on Saturday, a great day in the sun on Sunday, including a barbeque, but this was all brought down by the discovery that one of the local murdering b$£%&^d cats had somehow managed to kill Runt (just renamed Button).

We are not sure how it happened, as we could not find any way in or out of the run, but somehow the cat got him and took him home as a prize for its owner.

That cat had better stay well clear of me for a very long time...


Ms. ~K said...

Oh, I am so sorry....
Better sleep w/ one eye open CAT!!!

Shrinky said...

Oh God, RC, that's so sad. Bloomin' cats, they don't have the sense to be malicious, it's just what they do, isn't it? (hugs)

CiCi said...

Well, crap. That is tough. Hubby and I deal with this here too, we put out seeds for the birds and squirrels and then the neighborhood cats think this is their buffet. Meaning the birds. We are chasing off cats as soon as we see them. I am so sorry to hear about Runt/Button. Double darn.

terri said...

Poor little Runt! I'm so sorry. I know animals don't know better and they just do what's in their nature, but that doesn't make something like this any easier.

agg79 said...

I am sorry about little Runt. I know it is heartbreaking for you. Cats are hunters and will find a way to get into areas you think are secure. I'd double up the cage keep an eye out for the rest of the warren.