As I was on my way home from work last night, approaching home, I passed a family that seemed to be in some distress. As I drew level the mother asked me if I had seen a dog running loose. I hadn't but stopped and asked about it, took note of their address, and said I would keep my eyes open.
Two hours later, it was time to walk Custard, my trusty hound. As we left home he seemed to know where he wanted to go, so I tagged along. We came to a point where you have the choice of following the road or taking a path that runs between 2 wheat fields. Custard normally wants to go through the fields, but not tonight, so we followed the road.
A few hundred yards further there is a gap in a fence, which leads you onto another path that runs between 2 other wheat fields. We very rarely go this way, but Custard wanted to go that way, so I followed. A few yards into the field there was a rustling in the crops, and what should appear? The missing dog! I was amazed! Somehow, Custard had lead me straight to him.
I ended up carrying the missing dog (a 10 month old Staffordshire Bull Terrier) back to its home, with it licking my face the whole time. The family was delighted to see him and set about calling the Police, vets, etc to say that he was back.
Good deed done, we carried on with our walk.
When we got home I told everyone what had happened and the kids decided that Custard was a true hero, fussed him and gave him treats.
Is it just us, or is Custard a Superdog?
That is pretty super! - I think Custard deserves many treats!
Go custard! That is amazing! You should be way proud!
Custard IS amazing! What a hero! I can imagine the family is extremely grateful as these situations don't always turn out so well.
I think dogs are 1/2 human anyway...so that makes perfect sense to me! Custard sounds a lot like his owner...amazing. :)
He's a superhero for the family of the returned dog. Maybe not such a hero when the poop needs to be scooped.
Awwww, what a great doggy! I'd be praising Otis to the high heavens if he did that. Way to go, Custard!!
He's definitely a superdog! Great post.
yay...what a hero
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