for not taking the safe route home!
Last night, as I left work, the sky was clear blue, the sun was shining, with just a gentle cool breeze blowing. The short sharp storm earlier in the day was long gone. True to my resolution for the summer, I headed off to the cycle path, my safe route home.
I was well on the way, beyond the point of no return when the sun disappeared. Where did those clouds come from?
Then there was the first rain drop - a "drop" in name only, it was huge!
Before I knew it I was in the middle of the heaviest rain I have experienced this year - but hey, I am a Brit, so I soldiered on, my upper lip nice and stiff.
The rain only lasted about 5 minutes and stopped as suddenly as it had started, adn I zoomed on home.
It was only when I dismounted and looked at the bike that I remembered the other down side to the cycle route. It is made of packed sand and fine grit, which meant that I was now covered in the stuff, all damp and sticky. I must have looked like something from a 1950s horror movie - I certainly felt like it!
Or maybe I looked like this:
Still, it was only muck - I will live!
You are a trooper! I hope you were able to take a nice hot shower afterwards!
Terri - "Trooper" = "nutter"? I treated myself to a hot bath - I love a hot bath with lots of bubbles!
Look at how happy that piggy looks though! Could be worse! :-)
Mindy - it could indeed! That pig does look happy doesn't he? "Happy as a pig in s$%t", as the saying goes!
He's actually kind of cute...
Ali - he is isn't he? I like pigs. If I my house was more suitable I would have one as a pet.
I think you have inspired my husband...he is going to start taking the bus to work. There's no possible way he could cycle the entire way...were too far out. But...the bus is somewhat complicated. The bus stop in our town in on the campus of a University and you need a parking permit to park there and you must be a student to obtain one. So...he is going to cycle to the University from the nearest place he can park his car. Then he would be changing buses to another one that would take him right to hsi work but instead he is planning to cycle the rest of the way for the excercize of it. It will save us tons of money in fuel and he'll get his excercize in. He was supposed to start today but he woke up feeling a little sick with a sore throat and figured he would sleep in a little and start tomorrow if he feels better.
I told the husband I wanted a pot-belly pig. I thunk I heard "divorce" or something like it somewhere in his response. . . .
What? We only have 4 dogs and 2 bengal cats. . . .that's nothin'.
Pffffft. Men.
Logzie - That is great! Let me know how he gets on. For me cycling is quicker and cheaper than the bus and is also a free work out each day - win, win, win! Go Chuck!
Jen - But pot-belly pigs are GORGEOUS! I think there are dwarf ones too if the size is a problem! I am sure that with the horde you already have another one would not really notice!
What a better reason to take a nice hot bath. Indeed that pig is cute.
He doesnät seem to have a problem with the mud I see. haha
AmazingBrenda - I never need an excuse for a hot bath! I guess the pig is having the pig version of a hot bath!
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