Tuesday 2 April 2013


Some of you will remember when I became Zombie Rock Chef.  My bank record showed that I was dead, for some reason.  Not that this had prompted them to cancel my card or anything, and no one has ever been able to tell me how long I had been dead for.

Anyway, I mentioned a week or so ago that I am writing a Zombie novel, and I am still at it, grabbing odd moments to add a scene in my notebook. It is taking shape really well, and I hope to have the first draft typed up in a few weeks.  I am having great fun writing it and keep thinking of new bits to throw in - the latest addition is a zombie Elvis impersonator.  My favourite character has to be the news reporter, though, who is based on a certain female British news reporter.  I detest her, she is utterly lacking in feeling and compassion and just goes for reactions or tries to put words into people's mouths.  I have her interviewing people who have just seen relatives eaten by zombies - wonderful stuff...  I might post an excerpt here at some point, if there is demand.

Tomorrow is a big day - Mrs RC has to be interviewed to see if she can get her passport so that we can book our honeymoon.  Shouldn't really be a problem, but we do wonder what happens if they refuse to believe that she is who she is.  What happens if they think she is an imposter?  Do they deport her to Romania or something?  Would she have to claim asylum as an illegal immigrant? 

Watch this space to find out, I guess!


ShadowRun300 said...

Glad to hear the book is coming along! Seems like you're having a great time with it! And excerpts are always welcome...
Good luck to Mrs. RC. Funny how it can be so nerve wracking to have to prove who you are. Usually it's the truthful and innocent people who get most nervous about those things. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

Rock Chef said...

ShadowRun300 - I expect that Mrs RC will blog about this one...

Abby said...

I don't think it's a guarantee for Mrs. RC, her having a mysteriously zombied husband and all. Should we write some letters of recommendation?

Rock Chef said...

Abby - Good point. Watch out for emails...

terri said...

I DEMAND an excerpt from the zombie novel. (At your convenience, of course. Please? And thank you!)

Good luck to Mrs. RC in her interview. Hope she passes with flying colors and is deemed suitable for honeymooning.