Sunday, 21 April 2013

Sunday Morning

Siting at the kitchen table.  Mrs RC is using her new net-book (bought for her by Number One Son, the "impoverished student" who has more money to spend than I do) to read Facebook.

We are waiting for a strawberry, chocolate and cream flan to chill.  Hm, wonder if I can sneak in a quick photo....


Mmmm, going to be wonderful.  Yes it is heart-shaped, made by Mrs RC.

After we have had some of that, I think we are off to the garden centre to order some new fence panels for the back garden.  The old ones are feeling their age - well they were put up over 12 years ago and have been exposed to all sorts of weather and other abuse.  Time they were retired, I guess.

This afternoon, I am hoping for some more time to get my zombie book typed up.  I am writing the first draft by hand in a notebook (with "I Love Malta" written on it) which I take with me all over the place.  This allows me to use moments of spare time to quickly write a scene, and it is working well.  Bits have been written on trains, walking down the road, on lunch breaks, even while sitting on the toilet!  Yes, even guys can  multitask there!  Hey, don't complain - it is Sunday morning! By rights I should still be in bed!  Anyway, when I get the chance, I type up the hand written version onto my laptop, making the odd tweak here and there, but generally my hand written version seems to be OK.  The story is rolling along nicely right now, seeming to have a life of its own.  The only problem I have is that having put a couple of people into a certain-death situation I now want them to live at least a bit longer. Not sure how to save them without seeming to cheat.  Hm, think I might have it.  Thanks for listening and letting me work that out...

OK, I think the flan should be ready by now.  I can hear it calling to me from the fridge....

Yes, I am coming...


terri said...

Yum! That flan looks fantastic! Maybe Mrs. RC should add a foodie blog to her writing endeavors so she can share her recipes!

I have always been jealous of people who can just make up stories and write books the way you're doing with your Zombie book. I've never really had that ability. But... lately, there has been a story forming in my head. There's a song I like that's been around for years and it's one of those that tells a story. Of course it's 3 minutes long. The bigger story has been rattling around in my head. I'm contemplating writing it down. Not quite the same as coming up with my own story, but it's a start.

agg79 said...

The flan looks delicious. Glad to hear the story is taking shape. Always hard to hold onto those characters when you've you got to kill off a few. Will be interesting to see how you pull it off. I've always had a story or two stuck in my head but cannot seem to get in down in print.

Rock Chef said...

Terri - You should write the story - by the time you finish it will almost certainly be your own story!

Agg79 - Get a notebook and jot down one of the stories in odd moments like I am. I think you will be surprised at how quickly it can go.

Abby said...

Busy Sunday ahead of you I see. All that waiting for the flan to chill, then having to eat it...
I write stuff in a notebook too! Too bad my writing is so messy, I usually can't read it later.

Riot Kitty said...

Yum! That looks fantastic. Did you take the pic in the background?

ShadowRun300 said...

I can't get past the fact that Mrs. RC makes flan for fun! Both of my experiences were tragic for me!
Hope we get another snippet of the Zombie story - and you're welcome for helping you work out the death situation. Does that mean we get a cut of the royalties?

Rock Chef said...

Abby - The flan was wonderful. I think I am the only person who can read my handwriting - I print if I want others to read it!

Riot Kitty - Yes, I took that last week on a (the?) sunny day.

ShadowRun300 - Royalties? Hm, maybe you can come to the movie premier? :-)

meleah rebeccah said...

That flan looks amazing! I bet it was delicious.

Also, I have to admit, I am a little jealous of your ability to write on the go like that. I need total silence and the least amount of distractions to be able to create a complete scene!

Rock Chef said...

Meleah Rebecca - At my best, I tend to have worked out what I want to write in advance, and the act of "writing" is just transfering ideas from my head to the page - the creative side has already been done.