Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Playing with the camera

Took a few (dozen) pics and thought I would share a couple.

Sweet potatoes with marshmallow.  I was surprised at howgod this was - visitors gave mixed reviews, but I will certainly be doing it again.

3 Milk Cake.  A big hit again, and this one was even better than the first time I made it.  I love this cake!

Home made bread.

One of the flowers in the table display.

Yes, I have been very snap happy with the camera, but just love the results. Hope I don't become a photography bore...


terri said...

GREAT photos! The food looks SO good. If you keep this up, I don't see how anyone could ever think it was boring!

Ms. ~K said...

The cake looks yummy, do you share recipes?

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

You and I need to meet and having a cooking throw down.

agg79 said...

Great photos. You got to take a lot of pictures to really find the gems, so keep shooting. Glad you enjoyed the sweet potato pie. It is one of my holiday favorites.

CiCi said...

Photography could never be boring. Sharing pictures is like sharing what someone else sees, so when you put pictures in your blog we see what you see. Kind of like being there.

What spices did you use in the sweet potatoes/marshmallow dish?

Glad you are becoming familiar with your camera.

Abby said...

Nice photos!

And... "milk cake"? I must know more.

Unknown said...

Photos DO make blogs a lot more interesting.
Keep on snapping pictures o great Rock Photographer!