Tuesday, 6 December 2011


We were sitting at the kitchen table, playing with a wind-up penguin that does back-flips.  Well it did at first...

Daughter:  Mom, you paid £1 for that?

Mrs RC:  Yes.

Daughter:  That is something that Dad would do!  Dad buys silly useless things like this!

Seems that my niche in the house is under threat!


CiCi said...

Sounds like a fun family hobby, playing with the back flipping wind up penguin. It does sound fun. But it also sounds like it is time for you to find another useless thing and bring it home in order to keep your standing as the number one sill parent.

terri said...

I almost bought some silly, useless things for the kids Christmas stockings. I may still go back and get them... penguins that poop candies!

Unknown said...

... I saw a Japanese train set the other day and it is still lodging in my mind.
So I must have it soon.
Some toys, even the cheapest of them will worth a lot of money soon.
When? Preferably after we are long dead. Vintage toys!

Abby said...

Quick, run out and buy a chia pet and regain your rightful place!

Rock Chef said...

CiCi - I am out at the shops at lunchtime - will let you know if I find anything.

Terri - Yes, you must get those!

Shadowthorne - When I was a kid I had a first run Thunderbird 2 toy that was painted blue instead of green. Worth a fortune now... No I don't still have it.

Abby - Just looked up Chia Pets - love them! Might get one for my daughter if I see one, just to show her!

Anonymous said...

At a toy store on Sunday, I was playing with a windup backflipping gorilla. I nearly bought a bucket of them.

Rock Chef said...

Wigsf - Excellent stuff!

agg79 said...

I saw a lot of those kinds of toys in several shops. Silly, stupid toys that bring the most laughter. I bought my son a screaming monkey slingshot from thinkgeek.com.

They even have a levitating TARDIS that I have my eye on.

Rock Chef said...

Agg79 - I love the look of those screaming monkeys. I will have to get one when I visit the US.