Saturday, 24 December 2011

Happy Christmas!

My Christmas starts here - we have food on the table, beer in the fridge, bottles of wine waiting for the cork screw

The shopping is over, whether we have everything or not.  I like that feeling.  No chance of being crushed in a shop for ooh, 36 hours?  Sounds good to me!

Did you hear about the chat between God and Satan?  God said that he had just given men a great gift - a time to celebrate, to get together with loved ones, to share good times, gifts and food.

Satan thought for a moment.

"That gives me a wonderful idea - I have just given men CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!  MWAHAHAHAHAHAAH!"

Have a great Christmas!  My next post will be sent from my new laptop!  OK it is a hand me down from my daughter who IS getting a new one but hey, it will be new to ME!

UPDATE.  the ham/gammon just came out of the oven....


CiCi said...

You are ready! Good for you. You are so organized. The laptop will be new to you and your daughter will be thrilled with her new one.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

agg79 said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family! I like that feeling of having everything or not. Too late too do anything about that now and just enjoy the holidays. Have fun with your new "toy". I assume you will be able to post pictures from your new camera easier?

Rock Chef said...

CiCi - Thanks - hope you manage to have a good time too.

Agg79 - Yes, should be a breeze. Video will be easier too, I hope. Watch this space.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Merry Christmas my friend.

Abby said...

Merry Christmas! Happy laptop!

Unknown said...

.?? And what's this about a laptop? I did some shopping last night at the local Tesco, there was no rush at all eventhough it was Christmas eve.