A while back, Terri posted a meme that required one word answers and challenged us to try it. This week has been so hectic (work, 2 assignments due, family, etc) I think that one word is about the best I can manage today!
So, here goes...
1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket
2. Your hair? Afro
3. Your mother? Insane
5. Your favorite food? Mexican
6. Your dream last night? Perverted
7. Your favorite drink? Pepsi
8. Your dream/goal? Gigging
9. What room are you in? Office
10. Your hobby? Fun
11. Your fear? Nothing
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here?
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something that you aren’t? Ambitious
15. Muffins? Blueberry
16. Wish list item? Explorer
17. Where did you grow up? Kent
18. Last thing you did? Drink
19. What are you wearing? Sweater
20. Your TV? Usurped
21. Your pets? Spoilt
22. Friends? Different
23. Your life? Fulfilling
24. Your mood? Relaxed
25. Missing someone? Always
26. Vehicle? Bike
27. Something you’re not wearing? Cape
28. Your favorite store? Musicland
29. Your favorite color? Blue
30. When was the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Can't
32. Your best friend? Steve
33. One place that I go to over and over? Musicland
34. One person who emails me regularly? Olga*
35. Favorite place to eat? Amigo Burrito
There! Made it!
Why don't you have a try?
Have a great weekend!
* She is Russian and keeps offering to marry me.
morethananelectrician suggested that I might want to wear an eye patch. I think it works...

You should seriously think about adding a cape to your wardrobe...or maybe an eye patch.
Love it!
Not ambitious? I never thought of you that way. You just seem content with where you're at in life. I don't think that makes you unambitious...just... happy!
Are you in the market for another wife? Does Olga think you're a polygamist?
P.S. The eye patch works for Kurt Russel. Let's see it on you now!
Sparky - The eye patch is good!
Terri - Just happy! Yeah, I like that! No, definitely not looking for another wife! And Kurt who? That is ME in the photo! No wonder Olga is after me! :-)
Oh, I did the same questions a long long time ago.
Go and get Olga, she can be your toy girl or whatever. Just never let the wife knows or she'll kick both of you without looking out for the master. :)
Is Olga pretty?
And how did MTAE come to be called Sparky? That's kind of cute! I wonder if he'll let me call him that too!
I loved #27 - the cape answer!!!
I like this. I might do it too.
Good answers.
An eye patch is a better look, and easier, than a bee keepers or welders mask. Be glad you don't need either of the last two.
You'd make a good Snake Plidsken. You definitely have the hair and the look. Maybe Olga is after you for your handsome, rugged veneer...
BTW - I am calling a foul on #35. "Amigo Burito is NOT one word...
Shadowthorne - She is pretty when she shaves.
Terri - I was tired and couldn't bring myself to type the entire name, so I asked if I could call him Sparky. He has never objected!
Claire - Yes,I am using my secret identity at the moment :-)
Marie - give it a go, it is harder than it seems.
Sparky - I will be looking for an eye patch now...
agg79 - Thanks - I am sure that is what attracts her. And you are a hard marker! I claim that it is a name and therefore equivalent to one word.
No. I can't do one word answers. I need to write an entire paragraph for these questions.
Sid - Give it a try, it will be a good test. And just think, no one will be able to complain about your punctuation!
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