Thursday, 1 October 2009

Hey, that's my daughter!

OK, I know that this is my second teenage daughter, but it doesn't get any easier.

Boys and guys are starting to look at my 13 year old daughter in THAT way.


It is a difficult time for a parent. You have to let it go, but there is the constant urge to grab the guy by the throat and shout

"Hey, she's 13 years old, you f-ing paedophile!"

But you can't, can you? Not without looking like a total psycho. Not without risking arrest. Not with out permanently scarring the child you want to protect!

This morning we had a talk about ideal boyfriends and came to the conclusion that one that resembled Custard, our Labrador, would be great. Someone who is happy to be patted on the head, talked to in silly voices and fed nice things. Yeah, that is a boyfriend that I could be happy with.

Of course, Mrs RC has another plan, which involves introducing them to Mr Baseballbat who lives under the stairs...


wigsf said...

I hope I never have a daughter. I am afraid of what I would do to protect her. She's be wearing iron undies until her wedding night, that's for sure. I would probably be in jail by that point for having assaulted pretty much every guy who would even dare look at her.

terri said...

I know how you feel. I watched an exchange between my daughter and a friend of hers. She was playing in a softball tournament. He had come to watch her. I saw her looking toward me from the field and thought she was looking AT me, but it soon became clear it wasn't ME she was looking at, but her friend. He was standing on the bleachers, shouting her name and one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen spread across her face as she waved at him. It was that moment that I realized she was no longer a "little" girl.

But he is a nice boy and I have no desire to introduce him to any baseball bats.

agg79 said...

Don't appologize. It comes with the territory, dad. With all of the pervs and wackos out there, you'd be justified in dealing with any inappropriate advances in an offensive manner.

Just gently remind her future boyfriends: If you make her cry, I'll make you cry.

Rock Chef said...

wigsf - It is difficult, especially when there are so many young girls getting pregnant these days. But I trust my girl, really.

Terri - That is scarey, but at least she has good taste. Just remember to keep that bat handy, just in case...

Rock Chef said...

agg79 - What a great line! Would go nicely on a t-shirt wouldn't it?

Ali said...

I fully support throat-grabbing and baseball bat lessons. I can fly over and do it for you if you like.

I'm considering putting Ellery under house-arrest from when she's about 12 till when she's least by then she'll be an adult...

Rock Chef said...

Ali - Thanks for the offer of support - you and Mrs RC would make a terrifying team! Poor E..