Tuesday, 27 October 2009

"Growing up"

Heard an interesting thing today.

I was told that we stop "growing up" at the age of 25. We don't get any more sensible after this age.

So if you are over 25 and wish you were a bit more mature? Forget it! This is it, pal, make the most of it!


Reggie Hunnicutt said...


I'll stop wondering.

terri said...

So, ideally, if we wanted to be sensible at all in our adult years, we should have worked at becoming as sensible as possible by age 25?

I'm screwed...

agg79 said...

I thought that, once you passed 45, you started regressing. That would explains my need for more toys and why I tend to pout a lot.

Ali said...

That's kind of a dumb setup, isn't it? Most people are just starting to get their shit together by 25...

Ah well, in any case, I'm pretty much screwed :)

Rock Chef said...

Wreggie - Me too!

Terri - But it makes you and your blog so much more fun!

agg79 - I am going to regress from here? My poor, poor wife!

Ali - Yes, it is kind of unfair isn't it? The advice will now have to be "Don't rush to grow up, but make sure you do it by the time you are 25!"