Thursday 21 March 2013

Malta Day 2

Woke up bright and early, and went for a short walk before breakfast.  It was dull and windy, not promising.

But by the time I got back to the hotel the cloud was breaking up.  The rest of the day was sunny and windy, as promised – in many ways almost perfect for our needs.

Had 2 breakfasts.

Then we were off on the opening tour of the island.  This is always fun and gives everyone a chance to get a feel for the place.

One of the things I love about Malta is the churches.  This is a small town church, totally funded by the locals…

Wigsf wanted me to find a Maltese Falcon.

It was a gift shop…

Lunch was had at my usual cake shop – this time I had loyal followers with me and we totally swamped the guy in the shop.  Not that he was complaining, of course.  We left him to rearrange his seriously depleted stock, and count his cash.  My lunch...

Now I am back in the hotel, still sharing.  I had the choice of having a room to myself, but that would have meant shoving 4 students in together. I am not that mean, and don’t mind sharing with this guy – he is a nice guy and is pretty quiet, apart from the snoring but that doesn’t bother me.

The rest of the day?  A shower comes first, then, before dinner, I will find a corner and write some more of a story that came to me the other night.  Zombies in Malta.  Could be great if I can stick with it – please feel free to bully me into finishing it.  You will love the hero, who is a very modest, ruggedly handsome guy who just wants to save as many people as possible and then get back home to his wonderful wife…

After dinner I can see a few beers meeting their end before I head to bed at a sensible time. Tomorrow is the day we tackle a river valley, and who knows what will be there this year?

More soon!


White Elephant said...

I knew you and that cake shop would be reunited pretty soon. Keep writing the zombie stuff, the rugged hero sounds very appealing, I like him already.

ShadowRun300 said...

I wouldn't normally read a book about Zombies, but if you write one - especially about Zombies in Malta - I promise I will read it.
Your meals are cracking me up! :) Your sweet tooth is a lot like mine!

Riot Kitty said...

Love the Maltese Falcon! I want some of your weather. And dessert.

agg79 said...

Two breakfasts? Must have worked up quite an appetite on your adventures. I am anxiously awaiting your Maltese Zombie saga. I am picturing sort of a cross between Shaun of the Dead and Army of Darkness with RC as the conflicted hero.

terri said...

Two breakfasts AND lunch at a cake shop? Good thing you do so much cycling or that kind of thing might catch up with you quickly! I have to say though, I would love to eat like that, maybe just for a day. I'd probably feel sick afterwards.

Keep writing the story. I want to read it!