Wednesday 13 March 2013

Coasting in...

This time of year is always busy at work - assignment deadlines pile up as the end of term approaches, meaning that lots of students are wanting help with maps and statistics.

On top of that, the field trip to Malta is next week, so in between helping the students I am printing off handbooks and putting together packs of maps and stuff for each of the students, plus the usual stuff.

[pause to gather breath]

I am usually good at pacing myself, on Monday I knew I could get everything done without any trouble, but then other things took a day and a half away from me.


So I decided to go all out and clear the decks by the end of today, so that when I go to London tomorrow (with a bunch of colleagues) I won't be wishing I was at work - no need, my work is up to date.

Then, next Wednesday we are off to Malta - yes, they are taking me with them again.  Watch out for photos of the trip.  Hoping for some sun, this winter is really dragging on, I am actually getting fed up with getting cold and wet.

Not long now...


ShadowRun300 said...

I've been crazy busy at work as well, and have yet to find a time to catch up. I'm so glad you've been able to. It'll make heading off to Malta so much easier!
I'm a wee bit envious that you get to leave the cold, wet, never-ending winter for some sun... but it's well deserved! Hope you'll get some free time to scope out some great Honeymoon spots!

Abby said...

It is a busy time, certainly for you! I guess that's what happens when we emerge from hibernation? Is that what we're doing? Malta is calling... calling... calling...

Riot Kitty said...

Enjoy! Don't wish you were at work. I never do when I'm off ;)

agg79 said...

Been hectic at work over here as well. Something must be going around. It's good thing you are able to take some time to go into London and take off for Malta. You can use the trip to map out your strategy to invade Malta later this year.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...


terri said...

You ARE busy! Yet you always seem to manage to keep up your blog so regularly. I always feel so busy and I DON'T manage to keep up my blog so well.

You've earned your trip to Malta. Hope the weather is warm and sunny!