Sunday 20 January 2013


Well the forecast was right - snow falling ALL DAY!

The first thing I did this morning was to get the slow cooker going with chicken stew and dumplings - wonderful winter food and something that more or less does itself, which is great on a day like this.

Then it was time to go and feed Humphrey, but the walk up to his field was not without incident as I met a woman who had slipped on the snow and dislocated her wrist.  She was very shaken so I helped her to the house of a friend who made her comfortable and called for an ambulance.  Her friend was funny, telling that she was OK really and just wanted a cuddle...

My Good Samaritan job done, I continued to Humphrey - the roads were very slippery and treacherous - so glad I left the bike at home.

The wind was very strong at this point, with the snow going horizontal - somewhere to the west there must be the mother of all snow drifts...

Humphrey was very glad to see me...

Don't worry about him getting cold, he has a very warm stable that he can go into when he wants to.

Gratuitous snow photo, as promised!

Just before having the stew, we took the dogs out for a walk.

The wind had dropped, making it a wonderful walk.  That is Mrs RC out in front with Custard and Frou Frou, while I follow with Bryn (my uncle's dog) and Spot (my dad's dog).

Custard loves the snow, and has taken to making snow angels!  Makes me feel cold just looking at this!

Not going to cycle to work tomorrow - going to feed Humphrey early and then see if the buses are running.  Might be and adventure!  Will let you know how it works out...


terri said...

Wow! You got a LOT of snow! Good thing you were there to help the injured woman. I'm sure she was more than a bit scared.

Humphrey looks like he's got a great personality. I was worried about him, all covered in snow like that. I'm glad you explained that he's got a stable where he can take shelter.

Silly Custard! I can't believe he lays in the snow like that! Lucy enjoys the snow, but she doesn't lay in it like that. She just likes to run around in it and try to catch the snow in her mouth when it's falling.

ShadowRun300 said...

You're becoming quite a savior on your walks - 1st the lost dogs, now the fallen lady. Seems you're the town's guardian angel.
Your snow pics were exactly what I was hoping for! Beautiful! And I love that Custard rolls around in the snow.
Good luck on your commute tomorrow - or might you just take the day off? It IS a holiday in our country after all. (Well, for most people. The hotel NEVER closes. ) But maybe YOU can take advantage of the weather...

lotta joy said...

I am SO honored to know you and Humphie sees you as his guardian angel.

How many people a day drive past Humphrie, or even the woman, and their goal is to get where they're going.

My little Beau, being a Maltese, is not supposed to like snow. But in Indiana, he would actually push it up into little hills and tunnel through, coming out with ice crystals in his nostrels on on his eyelashes. NOT your average Maltese, especially at 23 pounds.

Riot Kitty said...

Good Samaritan is right! Lovely photos, and lovely task done by you.

Abby said...

Nice winter photos! And quite the snow angel yourself - helping the cuddleless woman and all! Humphrey looks happy with the snow, and you I'm sure.
Careful on those roads. Take the bus!

agg79 said...

Bravo! Another good Samaritan to the rescue!
Great snow pics! Looks windy and cold, but the dogs seem to enjoy it (at least Custard does). And a great mug shot of Humphrey. Hope the ride in on the bus wasn't too eventful.