Tuesday, 22 January 2013


The snow is starting to melt away now - the main roads are good for cycling, although the side roads remain icy, forcing me to walk the start and end of my journey to work.
The sunrise today was rather splendid, as you can see above, which made the morning even nicer as my mom was able to get out to feed Humphrey today.  I did stop to make sure she was OK (didn't want her to fall into a snow drift and get stuck or anything) and she was pottering around having a great time after being stuck indoors for the last few days.  She is a real outdoor person and gets stir-crazy pretty quickly...
Have a great day.  Why do I feel like it should be Friday already?


ShadowRun300 said...

Winter sunrises are so beautiful. I was taking in the beauty of our sunrise yesterday. The crisp air, the snow on the ground, all make it a wondrous sight.
In my line of work, today IS Friday! I'll be off the next couple of days, and go back in time for you to be off. Enjoy your day at work!

Rock Chef said...

ShadowRun300 - In that case, have a great "weekend"!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Nice photo. I worked outside all day yesterday and was amazed how low the sun was the entire day.

Rock Chef said...

wReggie - I have only seen the sun at sunrise and sunset for weeks now :-(

Abby said...

We're having spring-like weather now. At least I have your blog to remind me of winter! Thanks for the Humphrey update too!

Riot Kitty said...

I always feel like it should be Friday ;)

terri said...

Pretty sunrise! Glad to hear you could get back out on the bike again. The bus riders are probably glad too! ;-)

agg79 said...

Pretty sunrise. The problem with living that far up the globe, there are weeks you might not see the sun for days. Glad to hear the temps are a bit more reasonable. Looking forward to the weekend already and it is only the middle of the week.

Rock Chef said...

Abby - as a crossing guard I would have thought you would be happy to have nicer weather?

Riot Kitty - Good job every day isn't Friday, though - the weekend would never arrive!

Terri - Ha ha, probably are! That was very sharp for you, too! Love it!

Agg79 - Well we can't all live in the Sun Belt :-(

lotta joy said...

Could you move Humphrey closer? I'm happy you have such an active mom. I bet you're pretty proud.

Rock Chef said...

Lotta Joy - Humphrey is about as close as we can get him, the land that is closer to town is flatter and therefore gets used for crops. Yes, my mom is remarkably active, especially when you realise that she has a weak heart and both knees are totally shot from arthritis! I think she gets around by sheer determination!

CiCi said...

Glad to hear your mom is better and back doing the things that make her happy. You are fortunate she lives nearby. Or she is fortunate is probably more accurate. My son lives very far away, me living in Nebraska and he in Hawaii. My daughters are far away in California but my son is much further away.

meleah rebeccah said...

you have some of the best pictures of sunsets!