Monday, 30 January 2012


The new baby rabbit is called Nub.

Mrs RC thinks it suits him.

My youngest son thinks that he looks slightly evil, being all white except for black ears and eyes.  The black eyes look odd on an almost totally white rabbit.  We are used to seeing albino rabbits with pink eyes, but Nub is different.

He is something of a night owl at the moment, and was frolicking around in the run late last night - running, leaping, digging in the dirt, climbing into the food bowl to eat, chewing on bits of cabbage an carrot, etc.  No wonder he is so quiet in the day time, he must be exhausted!

Houdini and Panda have now been separated.  Panda was suddenly intent on expanding the family.  We will know in around a month or so if he succeeded before we moved him...

Stop laughing, Shadowthorne!  There will be NO bunny barbeques, OK?

Mind you, if I can find a recipe for Maltese Rabbit....  :-)


terri said...

Nub! Now that's a cute name! He's (she's?) so active already? They don't sit still for long, do they?

And I don't care what kind of recipes you find. No eating them! Do you hear me? ;-)

Abby said...

Nub. I like it! And I'm with Terri. You absolutely can't eat something you've given a name to!

Shrinky said...

Nub sounds a happy bunny, full of life and mischief - and yeah, it's a great and original name, I like it! Watch out, though, he may have inherited Panda's libido, and might soon turn into a mother*****r.. maybe his ol' da should get eventual custody?

Rock Chef said...

Terri and Abby - I am sure you know by now that there is no way these bunnies are going to end up in the pot...

Shrinky - Yes, we will be keeping a close eye on him/her/it...

agg79 said...

I agree with your son, Nub looks slightly evil. Hopefully, he won't show any tenancies like the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog. You better keep a careful eye on him and ready the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, just in case.

kenady said...

I like Nub. It seems to suit him. And as for evil? not so much... he is just stinkin' cute!! And I am in agreement with everyone who said don't eat them!

Rock Chef said...

Agg79 - Yes, I think they have the Holy Hand Grenade in the Cathedral at the moment, so I can easily get it if I need it.

Kenady - Looking cute is just part of his Evil Plan! OK, I know when I am outvoted - one woman outvotes 10 men, and I have got 3 against me already, not counting the 2 at home! The bunnies are safe.

CiCi said...

Baby Nub playing and the parents playing again already too. What a life.

Rock Chef said...

CiCi - Yes, I think they have a pretty good time of it.