Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Just for a change...

No photo today!  I bet you are all totally shocked, dismayed and confused!

Have I come to the wrong blog?

Has RC stopped taking photos? 

Broken his camera?

What is going on?

Well I did have a photo planned, but as tends to happen, my plan did not quite work out.  I will start at the beginning.

[Imagine that the screen has gone all wiggly to show that this is a flash-back.]

6am - I was rudely dragged from my slumber by the radio coming on and Mrs RC prodding me while reminding me that I had to get up early today.  Sigh.  I usually have another hour to go at this point, drifting in and out of sleep, catching the important issues on the local radio station (such as the town that has 11 unemployed people for each vacant job), but not today.

My daughter has got an interview at a vets today.  She wants to do a week of work experience there, which is great as it would tie in nicely with her college course next year.  After school she is jumping on the bus and I will be at the other end to meet her, take her to the interview and then travel back home with her.  This means that I had to take the bus to work this morning, something that I do not enjoy as I tend to feel sick and end up walking the last mile or so.  Today's trip wasn't so bad, though, as I got to take the bus with Number One Son.  Early morning random chit chat helped the journey pass without my stomach complaining AT ALL!  Except to grumble that it was empty because I skipped breakfast.

Arriving in Canterbury I looked around hoping to catch the planned photo.  I wanted to get the Cathedral in the light of the sunrise.  It was going to be beautiful.  Maybe even something to be printed off on large paper for display on a wall.

But no.

There was no sunrise.

Thick, low clouds meant that there was only a gradual lessening of the murk.  At 9am it is still twilight outside.  So that is why there is no photo today.

On the bright side, getting to work really early meant that I could raid the refectory and grab a fried breakfast.  So bad, but so good.... 

Why are bad things often so good? 

Dare I ask what your favourite bad thing is?


Anonymous said...

Favourite bad thing, the 3 large pancakes I had for dinner last night

terri said...

Well... I could almost picture the beautiful picture you wanted to take. You described it so beautifully! Another day, maybe!

My favorite bad thing? Caramel Bugles. I'll eat a whole bag by myself. And Cheetos.

Rock Chef said...

Wigsf - Yep, that is pretty bad!

Terri - You should weigh 300 pounds :-)

kenady said...

favorite bad thing?? beer, wine, chocolate...

sad the murk did not allow you to take a gorgeous photo, but am sure you will delight us with it another time.

the weather here has been COLD, but sunny. the sunrise every morning makes me want to drive off the road to capture it on camera. maybe one morning we'll leave early enough for me to do that:)

CiCi said...

I like how you and your family work out the various schedules so you can be with your kids when you need to be there.

What was the fried breakfast?

Rock Chef said...

Kenady - our mornings have been wonderful for the last few days - until this morning! Your bad things sound great!

CiCi - Family always comes first for us. Fried breakfast was bacon, eggs, sausage, beans, fried bread, hash browns and mushrooms. Ooooh yeah.

Abby said...

I'm not too disappointed because I have faith that the Cathedral at sunrise will eventually appear here!

As far as my favorite "bad" thing (bad is such a subjective word), I'll keep it clean and go with a big greasy 3-egg omelet. When/if I'm on death row, that's what I'm ordering.

Rock Chef said...

Abby - I have had a "thing" about omlettes recently - choritzo sausage, peppers, mushrooms, baby Italian tomatoes and a sprinkle of cheese...

agg79 said...

Bacon. Lots and lots of Bacon.
And of course, Beer, but can you really call beer bad?

And if you are really looking for a bad breakfast, you ought to hit a few of the places we have over here (Denny's, IHOP, Grandy's) on your road trip next summer. Definitely not good for your cholesterol.

Rock Chef said...

Agg79 - My wife expects me to have to pay for 2 seats on the return flight...

Shrinky said...

Ooooh, how did her interview go (fingers crossed)? Yeah, it's all dull, wet and dreary over here, too - still, least it's not snowing, eh?

And as for the greasy fry-up, a little of what you fancy once in a while won't kill you! My vice? Frittering my life away dreaming up plots to post up on my site!

Unknown said...

Are we all going to talk about FOOD only?

My fav bad but oh so good thing would be oxtail soup. An inch thick of high cholestrol fat floated on top of that delicious dish.... Urm.

But i have sworn not to cook it frequently now. It is a stroke waiting to happen, that dish.