Yesterday afternoon was actually very spring-like, sunny, and warm in places. You could almost feel things stirring in the earth, roots and shoots making a first tentative move towards the surface or fresh earth...
This morning was cold, with lingering patches of ice and snow, but if you stopped to listen there was the constant sound of trickling water, running off fields, into ditches, along lanes. The birds seem to sense a change too, especially a Starling who seemed to be practicing his love songs...
Summer is coming!
I am getting really excited about this summer. It will mark our 25th anniversary!
Sounds like a long time, I know, but it really doesn't feel like it. I can imagine that 25 years with the wrong person would be a nightmare, but when you are with the perfect partner it is no more difficult than breathing.
So, what do you do to celebrate 25 years together?
Mrs RC has suggested that I will need a new silver guitar. I love the sound of that - will have to start looking around to see what is available in silver!
I am working on a plan for the two of us to go away for a couple of days and visit a place that my wife has seen on TV a few times and desperately wants to see in the flesh. I hope it works out - I would have such a mountain of brownie points...
I've heard that those metal plated guitars are quite heavy. Also, they seem to have a slightly unique sound. Remember Robbie Robertson's bronzed Stratocaster? Sounded different but it musta been awful heavy.
wigsf - Yes, I am only thinking silver paint, not plating. Adding a load of metal to a guitar will definitely affect the sound, though and make it really heavy!
I too had the distinct feeling, leaving work yesterday, that spring is coming. Here, we are a long way from green grass and flowers and warmth, but the sun is hanging around longer and the temps are ever so slightly warmer.
25 years! Mark and I will be at 22 years this April. (And surprisingly, have managed not to kill each other yet!) Isn't it hard to believe that people as young as us could possibly have been married for so many years? ;-)
Terri - you are right - I mean you must have been, what, 3 when you got married?
Happy Anniversary!
Spring's around the corner. You just have to hold on for a few more weeks.
Kudos on making it to 25. That's a milestone that not a lot of couples have made and you guys should definitely enjoy it. My bride and I will be celebrating 30 this year. I've offered up a cruise or a trip to some place we haven't been (like Vegas) but she doesn't like to travel as much as I do.
Marie - thanks!
agg79 - 30? Put it there old timer! Hope you get to go somewhere interesting!
:) Happy 25th Anniversary!!!
And yes, go get yourself and dear wife a few days of romance alone.
And make more babies! (just joking)
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