Wonderful weather - hot, sunny, perfect for the barbeque on Saturday, finished off yesterday with a short but spectacular thunderstorm, complete with a strike on a tree about half a mile away.
On Sunday I had a wargame in the garden, which was great fun. Looking forward to more of that this summer!
Then I had a brain wave, and dug out the figures for my 17th Century Polish army. I have had it for around 20 years but most of it is still unpainted. So I sorted out what I have finished so far (a cannon and 2 lots of infantry) and then turned my attention to the cream of this army - the Winged Hussars:

If you have never seen these guys before, they ARE real (not from Lord of the Rings!) and they did wear those wings into battle. Apparently the wings made a roaring noise when they charged, frightening the enemy and their horses, and also provided protection against the lasoos that some of their enemies used to pull riders off their horses. So, to any Poles out there - these guys are your ancestors!
This army is going to look really cool when it is finished.
This morning was not so good - the weather was what my daughter calls "drowny". I think that says it all... Not the sort of morning squishiness that I enjoy...
Yesterday was pretty drowny here too - although today is glorious.
Like the wings, that's kind of cool...
Princess - Good to hear! I think these were the coolest...
Yay! My ancestors were COOL!
Glad you had a wonderful weekend. You've earned it with all your studing and Mr. Momming lately.
They look really good. I bet those wings could be heard for miles...
Terri - Yes, they were! Hm, yes I guess I have! :-)
Sitting in Silence - You are probably right. I hope my painting does them justice.
After reading everyone else's comments, I think I'll just leave my dirty mind in the gutter where it's currently wallowing and say "Glad you had such an excellent weekend!"
Ali - You disappoint me!
Oh fine!!!
Tell us John, what IS the sort of morning squishiness that you enjoy? Hmmmm? Something squishy involving your beautiful significant other, perhaps?
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