Tuesday 13 April 2010

The Aliens are here!

I finished painting my Aliens last night.

They are based on the Area 51 Aliens.

They have got a little run-about flying saucer:

Their current mission is to collect samples:

I have already got a human force to fight them (mainly armed with 1950s and 1960s equipment), but hope to put together a force of US Marines and M48 tanks - this is, afterall, what they always fight in the movies!


agg79 said...

I agree. A couple of Patton tanks along with the Army Jeeps and a platoon of 50's era soldiers would set the stage for a classic battle scene.

The invasion force is looking good!

Rock Chef said...

agg79 - Yes, mustn't forget the jeeps with .50 cal MGs!

Unknown said...

Go Aliens Go!

Hope you can find a tripod walker for the aliens. That would be awesome!

Rock Chef said...

A walker would be great - I am currently looking for something to make the Mother Ship out of - a saucepan lid or something...

Shrinky said...

"We are not alone." Um, well you certainly aren't. How cool are they? Trouble is, the drudge in me keeps whispering they must prove a bugger to dust.. (Sorry, I'll just fetch me duster and go, eh?)

Rock Chef said...

Shrinky - they tend to live in boxes, so don't gather much dust. But you are right, dusty figures are a bugger to clean...

terri said...

What are they collecting samples of?

morethananelectrician said...

They have big weapons.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at your attention to detail!! Awesome!!

CiCi said...

This is a guy thing I think.