I love cycling in shorts, but the British weather is so unpredictable that it is hard to know when it is safe to start wearing them. One year I waited for the good weather to arrive and it never did, so I have taken to making a unilateral declaration of Summer. From this declaration onwards I try to wear shorts as much as possible -OK, sometimes I get cold, but hey I can take it! It is worth it to get a bit of colour into my legs!

Talking of this, there has been a lot of talk on the radio recently about guys with fake tans. Is it OK or is there something just a bit "wrong" about it?
Personally I wouldn't be seen dead with a fake tan but if someone feels better with it then who am I to criticise? As someone sang - "If it makes you happy it can't be that bad!"
Is this magnificent pair of legs are truly the Legendary Rock Chef's?
Ha ha ha. Look's like mine - Pale. I only wear shorts at home and go out in trousers and jeans.
But go on and have fun out there! :)
Shadowthorne - Yes, they are truly mine!
My father spent the last two weeks cycling in Italy. He's so tanned he's orange.
wigsf - Cycling in Italy? That must have been an amazing experience, I would love to do that. The only thing that worries me about it is the driving, which is even worse than here!
I am not interested in getting a fake tan. I think your legs look sorta tan already, they aren't white as a sheet. We started wearing shorts already too. Some days is is cool, like today is 50 that's okay.
What do you mean by fake tan? The kind that you get from a bottle? Or the kind you get from laying in a tanning bed? I think it's okay no matter what, but the bottled kind is hard to make look good. Personally, I'm working on getting a serious fake tan myself (from the tanning bed.)
Cute legs. Love the black socks. Somehow over here that is considered a fashion faux pax, but if it works for you, I say go for it. Glad to see summer has finally started to show up over there. Hope you have many days of sunny skies to work on your tan. And stay away from the spray on tans.
Come on over to Myrtle Beach and we'll take care of the white legs - bring the whole family!!!!!
I hate the smell of the tanning lotions...barf!!
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