Monday, 6 October 2014

Return of the Slacker

I know, call myself a blogger...
Anyway, the last week has been pretty insane.  Work has been mega busy, as it always is at this time of year, with the added excitement of a departmental merger going on...
Our younger son has just turned 16!  As he is now a dedicated body builder, Mrs RC made a very appropriate cake...
At a glance it sometimes looks like a redesign of the Enterprise from Star Trek, don't you think?
The band has ground to a halt, to be started up again at "some point" - ie never, I am thinking.  I am a bit disappointed, but I have had a blast, lost my singing virginity and got the immediate urge to play in a band out of my system for a while.
In the meantime, this frees up some time for me to return to my zombie book, which I am determined to finish during the coming winter.  Time spent learning and writing songs will now be spent writing about my zombie fighting adventures, which have been stalled for too long.
Here is a question for you.  Can taking vitamin pills make you feel worse?  Over the years I have occasionally taken vitamins, but rarely felt any benefit and often seem to be worse off.  Back in the summer I decided that, given my advancing age (yes I admit that time is passing for me) I would start taking some of those vitamins that are designed for men of my age.  I immediately went down with that chesty cough that wiped me out for several days, and since then I have felt generally tired - even edging towards depression, to be honest.  I don't like it and think I might give those pills a rest to see what happens.  Any  thoughts welcome!


Riot Kitty said...

That is a cake?! Wow!

Yes, taking supplements/vitamins can make you feel worse. They have fillers to bind the vitamins, and to play it safe, you could always eat foods with the same vitamins in them ;)

But hey! Some of us want to hear more songs. Or read more zombies.

ShadowRun300 said...

Awesome cake! I used to be creative with my cakes while the kids were little. Seeing Mrs. RC's cake makes me want to start again. She did a terrific job!
Sorry to hear about your band, but happy to hear there may be more zombie blurbs in our future!
As for the vitamins, I've always been leery about taking them. I'd rather try to get what I need through food. I'm hoping ice cream has everything I need.

Rock Chef said...

Riot Kitty - I am going to drop the vitamins and see what happens. I don't think I have a bad diet, even if it is a little heavy on Pepsi/Coke and cake :-)

ShadowRun300 - I think ice cream can be good, especially if you add lots of sprinkles, sauce, chocolate buttons, etc...

Shammickite said...

Fab cake. Hope it wasn't too heavy!!!!! hehehe
Better take a break from the vitamin pills, or perhaps start taking some different ones. They're supposed to make you feel good, not worse. Perhaps some of these chewable ones shaped like animals?

Rock Chef said...

Rock Chef - Yeah, I could try the ones for under 5s instead of the over 50s!

terri said...

That is an AMAZING cake! Mrs. RC is gonna give ShadowRun a run for her money in the amazing cake department! Happy Birthday to your boy!

Vitamins seem to do me good. I've been taking a multivitamin for years, mainly because I can't seem to get enough fruits and vegetables into my diet.

I wonder if vitamins are regulated? Maybe the brand you're taking aren't really all that good for you. Maybe you're getting too much of something with it? Seems like a good idea to give yours a rest.

agg79 said...

Shiny! That is one awesome cake! The barbell details are incredible.

Good that you are getting back to the story. It is sort of like waiting for the next season of TWD after a long summer break. I look forward to new twists and turns.

I know of which vitamins you are taking (silver). Things designed for old farts, excuse me, MATURE gentlemen with all sorts of add ons to improve your health, hair, bones, etc. Not sure if they really help, it could be I am too far gone. I'd go with Riot Kitty recommendations - drop them for a while and see what happens.

Abby said...

Wow, that cake is amazing! When I first saw it, I thought, "Why are there weights sitting on RC's table?" I'm sure it was much appreciated - lots of iron?

I've taken a multi-vitamin for years. I think they help, because if we go on vacation and I forget them, I feel sluggish. Maybe it's the brand you're taking? I get mine from Whole Foods. I agree with others who said to stop taking them for a while and see what happens.