Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Cold Turkey

On my second day without the vitamins and already feeling a whole lot better.  I won't totally blame the pills, it could have been other things getting to me, and you can never underestimate the effect of thinking "I am sick of feeling like this and I am gonna change it!"

Anyway, our daughter has now finished at college and is busy hunting for work.  Lots of applications going out, little coming back.  To help pass the time and also get some experience of shop work, she is now doing a day a week in a charity shop.  On her first day she was given the job of livening up the rather dreary and uninspired window display, so she scouted out the store room and put together a halloween display.  The manager was thrilled with her work and even sent a photo of the finished window to head office!  I had hoped to get to see it, but she seems to have done such a good job that people passing by started to buy things from her display, including a mask that formed the centre of it all!  She was kind of upset by that but also kind of pleased, feeling that she had done her bit to boost trade.

OK,  lunch over, back to work!  More soon, I promise!


Shammickite said...

I hope the powers that be will double her wages after such an inspired window display at the charity shop! Unfortunately double zero is still zero. However, I think working at a charity shop would be great fun. I'm thinking of volunteering at the one near me.

ShadowRun300 said...

Congratulations to your daughter for completing school! I wish her the best of luck finding a job. It can be so difficult. Although the charity shop may not help her financially, it sounds like it's giving her experience and confidence. That's worth a lot!

lotta joy said...

My daughter started out wanting to be a window dresser. Then a school teacher. Then an accountant. And this was ALL during her college years. Only after graduating did she decide she wanted to be a nurse. Then an RN. Then an RN BSN. Now? A PA. She's 43, and if she keeps going, she'll soon be our first female astronaut doctor. I still wanna be a green beret.

agg79 said...

Congrats to your daughter on graduating! One chapter finished and another one begins. Good luck in her hunt for a job/career. Tell her not to get discouraged in the lack of responses but keep applying. Persistence and perseverance pay off in the long run. And just like the window display, opportunities sometimes arise from places she never considered.

terri said...

Sounds like it was a good idea to stop taking the vitamins. Hope you're feeling fully back to normal in no time.

Congratulations to your daughter on graduating! Seems like that's the way it goes - graduate, apply for jobs, wait, wait, wait. Hope something comes along for her soon. She'll do well no matter where she ends up. I can tell based on the way she dove into her work at the charity shop. The best employees are those who don't feel they're above anything and just get in there and do their best.

Riot Kitty said...

Very cool for your daughter! And I've never been sold on vitamins.