Friday, 17 December 2010

Signing off for Christmas!

Yes, this could be my last post before Christmas, although as Terri pointed out I don't really have an excuse for not posting from home these days...

Work and school finish today, giving us a week to get in the last things we need for the big day.  We have got all the main presents now and I think everyone will be getting stuff that they want and will enjoy.  Going to add a few silly things just for the hell of it - I love silly presents.

My daughter played bass guitar at the school concert last night and did really well.  It was funny sitting there watching my little girl play guitar like that.  Going to have to encourage her to learn more now so she can play more interesting bass lines.  Must tread carefully, though.  She is very much like Mrs RC, wants to work things out in her own way without being pushed - push either of them and they push back twice as hard...

Puppy update!

The puppy's name is now Frou Frou (90% of the time anyway), and she is doing great.  She has her own food and drink bowls but refuses to use them, preferring to share Custard's.  We put the food down and she immediately starts stealing bits from under Custard's nose.  He growls a bit but she ignores him and grabs more.

The often play together now, with Custard laying on the floor while Frou Frou runs around, jumps on his head, nips his ears, etc.  The really scary bit is when he lays with his mouth open and she puts her head in his mouth and licks his teeth!  Will try to get pics/video of all this sort of thing over the holiday and will post them if they are any good.

2010 was a difficult year for us but we have no intention of letting this year's problems run into next year.  Frou Frou has been a great distraction in this respect and getting her has been a great move.  It is amazing the effect that 3 pounds of dog can have on a house!

So, time to sign off!  Have a great Christmas and New Year!  I hope that 2011 will be a wonderful year for you all, where ever you are and whatever you do. 

Hope to see you in the New Year, if I don't manage to wrest a laptop off the kids over the holiday!


agg79 said...

Puppies are like little kids. Some have no fear. Good to hear that Custard is taking the new intruder well. We have the same delimma here - two dogs, two food & water bowls, guess which one gets used?

Enjoy the holidays with the entire family (including those 4 legged varmits). Hope you get some rest, eat too much, play too much and generally have a blast.

Have a great holiday!

Rock Chef said...

Agg79 - Cheers - I will do my best!

terri said...

Love your attitude - not letting the problems of the year tag along with you into next year.

I'm a little jealous of you having the week off before Christmas. Wish I'd scheduled some vacation time. I could really use some right about now.

I really hope to see pictures of the dogs playing. Sounds like a riot!

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Shrinky said...

Custard has a big soppy heart, this little pup will soon have him wrapped around her little paw! Well, we are firmly snowed in, the satellite has gone down on the telly, and our Chrismas Tesco shop has just cancelled - but guess what? I don't care! My son arrived home from Newcastle yesterday, and my hubby made the flight home from London, too. The airport is now closed, probably for the next week, if the forecast is anythihng to go by. So I am THRILLED to have all my brood under one roof! Sounds like you are set for a fabulous, loving family Christmas - just what it's meant to be all about, eh? Merry Christmas, bonny lad. ((x))

Kate said...

Merry Christmas RC! I love your attitude towards the year's struggles. Certainly something I need to adopt.

Hope to see pics of the pups soon~