The exam on Tuesday was horrible. Started off great, but my brain went on holiday half way through. Argh. I console myself with the knowledge that we get to ignore our worst module each year...
My younger daughter is 14 next week! How did that happen?
The rabbits are doing great. Buttercup, the female, has noticably gained weight. She is the one that Number One Son said was fat when we first got them... But don't worry, she is still able to jump from the floor into the upper floor of the hutch, so she can't be TOO fat.
Mrs RC has been on a diet for the last couple of weeks, getting back into things after recent disruption. Do you know what I like about Mrs RC being on a diet? Part of her approach is to cook especially nice things for the rest of us! Don't ask how that works, I have no idea, but I am certainly not going to complain. For example, last night we had chicken in chili sauce with sweet potatoes that had been mashed, mixed with cabbage, onion, bacon, cheese and probably a few more things. It was amazing. The remaining gaps in the stomach were then filled with home made white chocolate and cranberry cookies. Yum. I have heard that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach - works for me!
I am now just letting my poor brain recover from the stress and strain of the exams, painting a few toy soldiers in the evenings and re-starting my lunchtime guitar playing sessions out in the Cathedral grounds, although my fingers were a bit cold yesterday. I am sure it is colder than it should be right now - there was snow in Scotland the other day, surely far too late in the year for that!
Well I think that is about it for now - don't forget to check the previous post about my trip to Hastings!
When do you get the results of the exam? Or did you get it Tuesday right after the exam?
Are you planning a party for your daughter's fourteenth birthday party?
I can't picture the combination of the dish your wife prepared. Sweet potatoes, cabbage, onion, bacon, cheese. Actually it sounds very good. Maybe I will try it. Good luck to Mrs RC on her diet.
TechnoBabe - I don't see my results for a while yet, but I have a fair idea of what they will be like. Nothing serious planned party-wise, but things often just happen anyway. I think the sweet potato thing was based on good old "bubble and squeak" (mashed potato and cabbage mixed up and fried).
You got a couple of rabbits and we can expect little bunnies soon?!
Fatten them up with vegs and then make bunny patties!
Yummy! (really)
Shadowthorne - No baby bunnies, the boy has had his bits removed. Rabbit is tasty, but I would not be allowed to eat these, they are purely pets.
I wondered too if Buttercup was pregnant. You know what they say about rabbits! Good to know you won't be overrun with little bunnies.
The sweet potatoes you mentioned sound amazing! The chicken does too. It does seem like an odd approach to a diet, but if that's what works for Mrs. RC, then more power to her.
Exams are always stressful, when do you finish the last one? My eldest is taking his all this and next week - I'll be so glad for him when they ae over (hugs). Mrs. RC sounds a delight in the kitchen, she must have amazing will power to concoct these dishes and stick with her diet! Hope your daughter has a wonderful day - and yes, the years fly in far too fast at ties, don't they?
Terri - No, we won't be having hundreds of bunnies. But having said that, there might be hard times ahead, so a supply of bunny... :-)
Shrinky - Mine are all over for the year now, so I can focus on more important things again! Yay!
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