Write a message to go into the bottle. Easy! Or so I thought. I pondered a range of possibilities as I cycled home last night, in the end settling on this:
I won't tag anyone but please feel free to edit the picture below to show your own message!

Thank you for giving me this award. I am never quite sure I deserve things like this, there are many others out there who have far more interesting and exciting blogs than I do, but I get a few regular readers so I guess it can't be that bad.
Now I am supposed to pass this on to someone else - always a hard choice!
First I will choose Princess of the Universe, who has been tackling some tricky personal issues on her blog and deserves a pat on the back and a big hug from everyone.
Secondly I will choose Terri because of her amazing mix of real-life problems, humour and wonderful photography.
Finally I will choose Ali who should be having the time of her life being pregnant but is instead contantly ill and feeling dreadful. Poor girl, maybe this will help a little?
Right, time to cycle home through the cold, dark evening in search of dinner!