Thursday, 17 December 2015

Photo Post

I have been thinking that I have not taken many good photos this year.  On trawling through my files, I think I was wrong.  Here are a few of them.


Unknown said...

Nature photos! Good for you.
I don't like to muck in the muck or walk around that much.
I even forced my friends to tend my own lawn for me.
But that does not mean I don't appreciate beautiful things.
Nice shots, Mr RC :)

Shammickite said...

ooo yes, those pictures are lovely. Especially the headless duck!

Abby said...

Yes, these are some good ones! I remember many of these, particularly the bugs!

ShadowRun300 said...

I love your nature photos. Hard to believe you just point and click like you say you do. They're beautiful!

Riot Kitty said...

These are gorgeous!

Tee said...

You ALWAYS capture beautiful photos. Makes me realize how long it's been since I took my camera out just for fun. I took it out for my daughter's college graduation recently and realized it was actually dusty!

Shammickite said...

I hope Santa brings you armies of soldiers....! Happy Christmas to you and your family and all the best for blogging in 2016!

ShadowRun300 said...

Merry Christmas RC! Hope you and your family are enjoying the holidays!