Friday 10 January 2014


on a beautifully clear, crisp winter morning.

Not a cloud is sight, not a rain drop, not a hint of even the smallest breeze.
It was noticably colder than the warm, wet weather of recent weeks, but I was not complaining one bit.  You expect January to be cold!
Just hope it doesn't get as cold as the USA and Canada have had it - although I have heard that this will not happen.  Hope they are right about that!


agg79 said...

Nice pictures. Something about sunrise in a cloudless sky is always one of my favorite sights. When I flew over last September, our flight came into Heathrow right at the break of day. Early dawn with crystal clear skies over London was a pretty amazing sight. You could easily spot buildings and structures in central London.

ShadowRun300 said...

Cold, crisp, winter days make for a beautiful sky! So happy to hear your wind is gone. It makes being out in the cold a little more bearable.
We're finally thawing out around these parts. But now there's risk of flooding from the rapidly melting snow.
Anyway, have a great weekend!

Riot Kitty said...

Those are so gorgeous! I'll take cold and sunny over warmer and raining cats and dogs - but not as cold as my parents in the Midwest have it, thank you very much!

Riot Kitty said...

So...yeah. I'm picky!~

terri said...

Such gorgeous skies! Sounds like you'e gone quite a stretch without seeing the sun.

I hope you don't get the drastic cold that we had. Our temps have taken a nice jump forward and we're enjoying more sane weather this weekend.

Shammickite said...

You definitely don't want the weather we have had here in Canada. Snow, then an ice storm that cut power for more than a week then temps of -25C.... not recommended for anyone. It was colder here at night than it is on Mars!