Yesterday started early, when we realised that we were losing our back fence and garden gate.
By 6.30 we were slaughtering the Honey Suckle that grew along one of our other fences - the wind was using it to uproot the fence, so it had to go.
Once things seemed to be more under control, I visited Humphrey, my mum's pony, but he was OK. Just needed a plank on his stable bashed back into place. Good job I took a hammer and nails with me!
The rest of the day was spent making repairs to our remaining fences - the back one will have to be totally replaced, but we have to wait for someone to come and do that - and rigging up a temporary back gate.
All is calm today - a sunny day, with blue sky etc.
I have got a few photos of yesterday - will try to post some later.
And here they are:
Clearing up debris - some of the fence and Honey Suckle :-(
Frou Frou wanted to help, but had to make do with watching us out of the window.
The view out to sea from Humphrey's field.