So why can't people do it properly? Every day I see people dashing across the street in front of trucks and buses, risking life and limb to save a few seconds of precious time. Don't they know how fragile life is? Is it really worth the risk?
Near where I live one of these crossings was installed on a nearby busy road after a young girl was killed by an 18-wheeler and there was a huge out-cry about how dangerous the road was and how we needed a crossing. We now have the crossing but I would think that around half of the people don't actually cross the road at this crossing, prefering to take a slightly shorter (50 yards at the most) route that is far more dangerous. Of those that actually cross at the crossing, most don't use it properly, including people with children who will grow up not knowing how to use the crossing, with the inevitable tragedy looming for at least one poor family. Agh!
But the drivers aren't much better! Many run the red lights, others don't attempt to slow down until the last minute so you stand there at the curb waiting for the dumb ass to stop before you step out. Then there are those who stop when their light is green, waving you across - when everyone else is still hammering along at 40mph - and get angry when you don't take them up on the offer!
How hard CAN it be?
It's a universal problem. Last year there was an article in the paper about how the police were going to start cracking down on jay walkers. Our entire office knew they were guilty of not crossing at the light when walking to or from the parking ramp.
I, too, am in awe of some of the stupid idiotic things I see drivers and people do around traffic....
it's like people don't realize that a ton or more of steel can do a lot of harm and they treat it so cavalierly.
Terri - I don't actually think it is against the law here - I wish it was. But then it would just be one of those things that was never enforced :-(
tz - So true! We totally brainwashed our kids about crossing roads - even now as I stand at these crossings I have to stop myself saying "wait for the green man"!
People scare me more than my dreams! Ha (like that one?)! Really, just slow down for a moment or two and enjoy the rest or a couple minutes of office absence. Life is more precious than running a red man walking sign and losing more than a limb.
I'm with you, Chief Rock Chef.
These lights mean nothing in NY, we cross when there is a break in the traffic, but somehow I have managed to survive!!!
Jen - Good to see that I have your support! That dream of yours was great - I wish I could manage ones like that.
Kiki - But New Yorkers seem to treat rules as unwelcome advice - at least that is how it looks to me! I always get the feeling that NY is just some sort of organised anarchy that just rolls along on its won inertia. Anyway, I am very glad that you have managed to survive!
This is hilarious!! I agree with the t-shirt. I would like to have one.
hehe - I loved this post! :) I say, the ones that go when your not supposed to walk are there as target practice for steering your car! Yep... they are free for the smooshing with your car! 1000 points per...
I guess people are the same everywhere huh? I know what you mean by the people who wave you to cross and get mad when you don't but you are considering the trucks that are barelling down and they are not!
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