Friday, 10 August 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

Just settling in again after getting back from camping.

I will do a big post soon, but just for starters - we had just got our tents set up when a storm arrived - lightning hit the farmhouse around 200 yards from us.  Sort of glad we had retired to teepee with its huge metal central pole...


Shammickite said...

Hey.... welcome back!
Did you all come back with frizzy hair after that close call with the lightning strike?

wigsf3 said...

So... You officially a geezer yet?

Rock Chef said...

Shammickte - my hair was already a bit frizzy, but the charge did make my teeth feel odd for a while!

Wigsf - No, that is next year, when I am 50.

agg79 said...

Welcome back, hombre! I'm glad you were safely secured in your tent when the storm hit. I imagine the dogs were just overjoyed when the lightening struck.

Happy Birthday, old man, for one more lap around the sun! You are starting to catch up with me.

Riot Kitty said...

Happy birthday! Eat cake ;) You can probably make a good one, come to think of it.

Rock Chef said...

Agg79 - Yep,I am going fast - might overtake you soon!

Riot Kitty - I don't do cakes very often, my wife is the expert on those. She does great cake.

ShadowRun300 said...

Welcome back and Happy Birthday!!
What is it with you and storms? First a tornado coming at you... now a lightning strike? I'd watch my back if I were you. ;)

Abby said...

Wow, a brush with death. So close to your birthday too. Eerie! Or not. Happy Birthday! I'm glad the farmhouse took the hit.

Gorilla Bananas said...

A Big Pole comes to the rescue. Now where have I heard that before...

terri said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Welcome back!