Thursday, 2 April 2015


So, things have been ticking along here - not an easy few weeks, but rolling into Easter at last!

Number One Son is back from Uni, just in time to celebrate turning 21!  What did he want as his main present?  A WiiU console.  So right now the kids are in the living room playing Mario and laughing so much we are worrying about the sofa getting peed on.  Wonderful!

The book is rumbling closer to release, all that remains is the cover, which will be sorted out in the next couple of weeks.  An old student of ours is now a professional make up artist.  She is amazing and does all sorts of work from weddings to zombies to full body painting.  Some of her "normal" work has appeared in Vogue!  Anyway, she is going to do me up as a zombie and take photos.  I will then Photoshop in a Maltese background to make the cover image.  Cool or what?

I am probably going to use one of these as the background, with a head and shoulders shot of me superimposed.  Votes and comments welcome.  I will, of course, post the final cover here when it is done.


Abby said...

Zombie Rock Chef! I think THAT should be on the cover of Vogue!

terri said...

So exciting that your book is nearing completion! I vote for photo #2 or #4 for the cover image.

Don't you just love when all the kids are home, making a mess and having a grand old time? Mine will all be here this weekend for Easter and I'm so happy!

ShadowRun300 said...

Well look who's back from the dead!
I love the idea of you painted up like a zombie to grace the cover of your book. The rugged and barren look of number 3 seems to fit. I like number 2 too. Can't wait to see how it looks!

Riot Kitty said...

Great pics! And I can't wait to see the zombie ones.

agg79 said...

Great pics. I like #4 but #3 would work as well. Cannot wait to see how it turns out and get a peak at your book.

Shammickite said...

Good choices for the background to your zombie photo. Some good friends of mine are on holiday in Malta right now, so I can imagine what scenery they are enjoying. Looking forward to seeing the finished cover, I hope I don't get too scared by it. Happy Easter nice to have a couple of days off, isn't it?