Friday, 23 January 2015

More of the same

Not much of interest to report, just ticking along at the moment.

Work is busy, but not in a bad way.  I am getting to do a lot of the stuff that I enjoy, which is nice.

I have added some more to the book, creeping closer to completion of the first full written version, but I keep thinking of extra things that need to be included.  I also had a bit of a fit over how to write the next section.  It involves the character that represents me, and so far everything about him has been written in first person.  But the next section might have to change that, to me being watched by someone else and reporting what I get up to.  Still not sure how it will end up...

My daughter is about to finish her first week in her new job.  She has settled in really well and likes the people she is working with.  Yesterday she had a visit from someone who checks everyone's work.  They had been impressed with the amount of work she has been getting through, but were probably expecting it to be full of errors.  There were no errors at all, not a single one.  This was a great boost to my daughter's confidence, and the checker was really impressed too.  I guess she is thinking that her job might just get a little bit easier?

That is about it, for now!  Have a great weekend!


lotta joy said...

That was always what I did wrong with a new job. I would jump in and work more than the others had before I got there, and with no errors. Then they only expect you to improve from that point on. *sigh* Live and learn. Butcha raised a good person there.

terri said...

I've had a similar kind of week. I think everything's just really getting back into full swing after the holidays and all.

Kudos to your daughter for doing such a phenomenal job. I'm sure she won't last long, but will be climbing the ladder sooner rather than later!

agg79 said...

After the holiday craziness has worn off, we all seem to settle back into the routine. Hope the new chapters work out and you are able to fold into the storyline.

Good that you daughter is working out so well at her new job. It really is encouraging with people recognize your efforts early on.

Riot Kitty said...

Hooray for your kiddo!

Keep writing.

Abby said...

Your daughter just might get more work now - the reward for good work! That could be a good thing...