Tuesday, 14 February 2012

St Valentine's Day


Here I sit at my PC.  It is lunchtime and I am eating left-over chili with nachos.  Mmmm, always good the day after this stuff.

Yet again, Mrs RC and I have celebrated this day with cards and gifts.  Must be about the 4th year now!

We never used to do anything special on this day.  For years it was a case of being broke at this time of year, so rather than become even more broke we just let it go.  Why did we need to do something special on this day when we shared our love every day?

I am not totally sure why things changed - I have a sneaky feeling that certain bloggers made me feel bad for not making extra effort for a special day.  Anyway, I did it one year and Mrs RC loved it - despite her previous declarations that if I ever bought her something for Valentine's Day she would assume I was cheating...

Was this yet another one of those things that men misunderstand about women?  Maybe.

Still, since then we have become dedicated to the day, giving each other mushy cards and suitable presents, such as bottles of wine and guitar strings.  OK, that is what Mrs RC tends to get for me, but you knew that really.

OK, better finish my lunch!  I have got a photo blog of a wargame to post soon, maybe later today if I am good!


wigsf3 said...

I've always preferred to give and receive cards that were funny as opposed to sappy. Like the one with the squirrel to wants to go nuts. Stuff like that. Or the one with the dog humping somebody's leg.

Abby said...

Happy Valentine's Day Rock Chef! We're the same way - typically not getting mushy in order to non-conform, but still feeling like we should do SOMEthing symbolic. So... an excuse for wine and chocolate.

Rock Chef said...

Wigsf - We avoid those that are really bad - the really mushy ones that ramble on and are clearly written by people who have never had a lasting relationship...

Abby - Good move - stay away from restaurants etc who just see it as a day to rob you!

Unknown said...

Today was Valentine's Day, yet i saw nothing to Commemmorate it. Which is ok because we are a moderate islamic society.
But that does not mean we cannot wish well for love!
Mushy is for sissies, but i accept hugs too. Ha ha ha.

Rock Chef said...

Shadowthorne - Hugs are good regardless of religion.

terri said...

We get each other "humor" cards ... you know... the really stupid ones that are supposed to be funny but they're not? He usually goes overboard with a gift. I threatened him this year and said no gifts, but he didn't obey.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Rock Chef said...

Terri - there are times when it is OK for a guy to disobey his wife :-)

agg79 said...

Good for you guys. We have the same approach - low key and humorous. Silly cards (typically involving squirrels or dogs) and simple gifts.

Rock Chef said...

Agg79 - We tend towards cute cards - this year I found a hand made one from Thailand with pink elephants cuddling up.