Saturday, 4 February 2012


Hi all!

Woke up to a dusting of snow this morning, just enough to get the dogs excited.

I have done a bit more reading for my essay (read while going to the shops to get pizza stuff) but then got side-tracked by some toy soldiers. Hey, I thought it good to clear my mind, OK?

We are now promised snot SNOW (curse this laptop's keyboard!) tonight, anything from 2 to 6 inches.  Could be fun.  Will post photos if we get anything dramatic!

Oh, and don't worry about the rabbits. They have snug houses with lots of hay in them and their runs are covered in so the snow won't reach them. Also the lights throw out some extra heat which seems to make a difference for them. They seem to spend a lot of time outside, anyway, and I would expect them to hide in their bedrooms if they were cold.

OK, off to knead the pizza dough. Have a great day!


agg79 said...

I await to see some really good snow pictures, my friend. Or perhaps some Snow Bunny pictures?

Hope you can make some headway on the essay, despite the soldiers, snow and pizza distractions.

terri said...

I hope you get something exciting in the way of snowfall! Nothing better than a fun snow over the weekend.

Pizza sounds delicious, but it's still early in the day here. I've got some ripe bananas that want to become banana muffins, so I'm off to do that.

CiCi said...

It is fun to hear about your rabbits. Sounds like you have a snug place for them to live so they can go outside if they want or snuggle inside if they get cold. That is how I am feeling today. I shoveled some snow and did the shoveling in shifts. Last time I did it all in one run and my back took awhile to recover. I have to remember I am not so young anymore!

Abby said...

I figure that plenty of rabbits live outside year-round - surviving quite well while also making more rabbits. Yours should be fine and cozy!

I hope you get some good snow and photo ops, and forgo the snot!