Monday, 11 October 2010

Children can be soooo evil...

Saturday saw me doing my nerdy best at the Uni Open Day.  I always enjoy these events, talking to prospective students and their parents and basically trying to make sure they are making the right choice - which MIGHT be to study with us, but equally it might not!

On Sunday I took the boys and a couple of their friends to play laser tag.  This is always great fun - last time we more or less had the place to ourselves and there was a lot of stalking and sniping.  This time there were 2 kids parties going on, so the place was swarming with 7-8 year olds - it was like fighting Ewoks!  They swarmed all over the place, crowding around, blasting you over and over again!  Evil...

We had drinks and burgers in the intervals, compared scores (somehow I came first in one of the games!) and I chatted to some of the other dads there.  One of them was clearly a novice.  He told me that one of the kids in his group was Japanese and didn't speak much English.  I looked at the kid - he clearly knew where he was and what was going on.

"I'll keep an eye out for him then", I said.

"Oh, if you could, just incase he finds things difficult."

Yeah.  Little git killed me 8 times!  Some things surpass the language barrier - if you have seen Star Wars or played Halo you know exactly what to do...

Meanwhile, Mrs RC and my daughter were nearby - the laser place is right by a big shopping centre...


CiCi said...

Sounds like you and the boys had a great time. I suppose Mrs RC and your daughter did too!

Rock Chef said...

TechnoBabe - yep, good time all round!

Unknown said...

:) I'd love to have laser tag here. But we are still in paintball-dom era.

I can feel you. Ewoks indeed :)

agg79 said...

Laser tag is universal. It is those sneaky little innocent ones that you have watch out for.

May the force be with you!

Rock Chef said...

Shadowthorne - Over here, paintball can work out amazingly expensive, not to mention painful! I like lasers...

agg79 - it was! I actually first on one of the games!

terri said...

It seems you're never too old for laser tag. Jake can attest to that. He runs laser tag as part of his job and sees "kids" of all ages. Clearly, you had fun! Good for you.

Rock Chef said...

Terri - I know, what a fab job!

Shrinky said...

Ha! I've had loads of battles in Laser Blast, my kids and their friends kill me every time, little sods! (They gang up on me.)